Our tax process is designed to be simple and easy on the client. Starting in 2022, we will adopt a fully digital platform for quicker communications and easier uploads.
We ask that all clients download and complete the Tax Organizers below, PRIOR to your first one-on-one consultation with your consultant. All tax documents necessary to begin filing your taxes MUST be received before your tax consultant may begin processing your taxes.
Upload your Tax Document via Members Portal
At least 24 hours prior to your one-on-one consultation, upload all of your tax documents from your checklist through our secure Member Portal. This is the fastest way to deliver your tax documents to your VAAS Pro Tax Consultant. Our firm practices safe handling and care of all documents, and have adopted a system that protects all clients from digital threats. Rest assure that your documents will be safely managed.
Review common tax documents your tax consultant may request below. The upload portal supports .pdf and .doc formats.

All Documents are Received
Your VAAS Pro Tax Consultant must receive ALL of the necessary tax documents BEFORE they will begin processing your returns.
Please allow 2-3 business days for all personal tax returns to be completed; 5-7 business days for all business tax returns to be processed.
Review your Taxes
Once your taxes are complete, your VAAS Pro Tax Consultant will send your tax returns for your review.
We ask that you review your tax returns within 2 days to prevent further delays in your tax process.

File Taxes & Await your Refund
Once approved by you, your VAAS ProTax Consultant will file your tax returns and send you a final copy. We encourage all clients to keep a copy of your final tax returns for your records.