Telework has become the new norm, and mangers are brainstorming innovative ways to keep their employees excited about their work.

Our VAAS Pro Consultants provides you with 5 engagement tactics your business can adopt to energize your staff!
1. Employee Spotlight:
Recognize your employees and display their value by placing them in the spotlight!
Sharing congratulatory videos from the team, spotlighting personal accomplishments through internal broadcast networks, or featuring their achievements through your business' website are a few innovative ways to feature your employee.

Highlighting your employees' work and some fun facts about them will make them feel seen and valued by the company!
2. New Hire Spotlight:
Introducing new hires to the team just got interesting - in a remotely satisfying way!
We can agree, it's important to make new hires feel welcomed to the team. To combat the barrier to in-person introductions, try these few ways to virtually show of your new talent.

Send a small welcome gift on behalf of team
Treat them to lunch - on behalf of the company - via Doordash or UBEREats
Send them a personal "Welcome Aboard" video featuring current team members
3. Employee of the Month:
It's one of the oldest tricks in the book, but as we transition into remote working, merit-based recognitions will keep your team motivated to perform. There’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition amongst colleagues right!

4. Community Engagement Highlights:
At times, work can overshadow all other aspects of our life. After clocking out, we partake in activities that brings us joy and satisfaction - like volunteering.

Participating in your local mentorship program, donating blood, delivering food to those in need, or even serving as aid during voting season are just a few examples of volunteerism to showcase!
5. Team/Department Performance Highlights:
Award your team or department for going over and beyond in performance for the month. Gift the group with lunch, or with a little extra PTO.